24 years young model Brown maintained the profile for two years, but refused to meet suitors face-to-face, instead sending steamy photos or having intimate phone conversations..

After cheating wealthy men out of thousands of dollars by impersonating model Bree Condon on online dating website SeekingMillionaire.com, the LA Times reports. Using his high-pitched voice, photoshopped pictures and a series of social networking sites, Brown managed to convince sugar daddies surfing the Web that he was indeed the 23-year-old Guess jeans model "just looking for Mr. Right."
Local police authorities stepped in and found Brown in an Austin, Texas motel room with "an iPhone that had been a gift from one suitor," and "a small dog paid for by another," and determined that he had duped at least a "wealthy Miami Beach doctor out of about $15,000." However, for Carbona, the most shocking part was that Bree's impersonator was a man: "I'd been talking to this person for three months. I'm telling you this guy has either had his gonads removed or he is talking through a voice synthesizer." How she cheat with people?